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In this digital age, the ability to record each and every thing you do is a valuable commodity. Whether it's a quick and dirty demo, a shiny new live recording or just some quick licks you've come up with on the fly, recording has never been as easy as it is with an AM USB mixer. The AM442D USB, AM642D USB and AM844D USB are new members of the AM family of mixing consoles, exhibiting the same awesome features and classic analog feel that these units display, but with a few fantastic additions. A stereo USB recording interface makes the unit perfect for recording live events, practice sessions, studio jams and so on, without the headache that comes with complex recording setups. In addition to this, a versatile compressor function has also been built right into mono channels for smoothing out vocals and drums. With just an AM USB mixer, a modern computer and a tiny bit of talent, you'll be making quality recordings in no time!
Minimum Requirements: